Please Clear Snow and Ice from Sidewalks, Stairs and Mailboxes for Letter Carriers

Letter carriers in the Central and Northeastern Missouri and Southern Illinois will make their appointed rounds to deliver mail in the aftermath of the overnight snow and ice. As they prepare to face the elements, the U.S. Postal Service requests your help in clearing snow and ice from the approach to your mail box.

"Snow and ice in front of mail boxes play havoc with mail delivery," says Postmaster Krystal Barnes. "Your assistance in maintaining a clear path to the mail box - including steps, porches, walkways and street approach - will help us maintain consistent delivery service."

According to Barnes, delivery service may be delayed or curtailed whenever streets or walkways present hazardous condition for letter carriers or when snow is plowed against mailboxes. The U. S. Postal Service curtails delivery only after careful consideration, and only as a last resort. Any curtailed mail is attempted the next delivery day.

"We appreciate the efforts of our customers as they work to provide their mail carrier with a safe approach to the mail box," she adds.

Pathways to street collection boxes also need to be kept clear for customers to deposit their mail and for collectors to retrieve the mail for processing, Barnes says. Residents and businesses with collection boxes near their property are asked to keep them clear of snow and ice.