Jamestown C-I Board meeting held March 13

The Jamestown Board of Education met for regular session March 13, where the Board recognized the students of the month as well as the teacher of the month, second-grade teacher JoAnn Hendrickson.

Scott Snyder received a certificate for his completion of 16 hours of Board training.

The PTO reported two sponsorships: Jasmine Couch, who will be attending the Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership, and Trevor Barbour, who will be attending Boys State this summer.

The PTO will purchase 30 banquet tables for use during school events and new chairs for the computer room in the library.

Outside lights have been installed at the gym door exits near the parking lot to enhance visibility for those entering the school from the parking lot.

A roof leak in the school lobby required repair. A coating will be applied on the roof over the lobby and, in the near future, missing shingles will need to be replaced, as well as patch work and caulking to portions of the roof.

Dale Ashley, bus maintenance, reported all buses passed the DOT inspections, and the school received a Fleet of Excellence Award.

Principal Matt McDannold reported there were no disciplinary issues for the month of March. He indicated he and superintendent Ellen Ash have completed the 18-month leadership program through the National Institute for School Learning. They each attended training two days a month to complete the program.

Coach E.H. Hirschvogel and Coach Brannon Bartlett gave a comprehensive presentation on the athletics program, goals and future needs. Their vision for the program is to create an environment where the student-athletes will have the opportunity to become leaders and a champions. New bleachers, basketball equipment, locker room updates, and weight equipment are a wish list of items for the sports program.

Health insurance bids from Missouri Educators Unified Health Plans and The Insurance Group were received and discussed by the Board.

A discussion was held regarding junior and senior class sponsorships and how sponsorships should be offered and retained.