Voter approved work in progress at California schools

The site is being prepared for installation of the artificial-turf football field approved for the California High School by the voters in April.
The site is being prepared for installation of the artificial-turf football field approved for the California High School by the voters in April.

Work is well underway on the completing the comprehensive facility improvement plan for California R-I schools approved by the voters on April 8.

The three parts of the plan include facility improvement (44 percent), athletic improvements (36 percent) and a "Performance Contract" or energy efficiency improvements (20 percent).

The district improvements portion of the facility improvement plan is 44 percent, the "Performance Contracting" or energy efficiency improvements is 20 percent and the athletic improvements portion is 36 percent.

The district improvements part of the work includes some district-wide work and work at each of the facilities. District-wide, installation of building security and safety systems at the main entry doors of each building are being done. Plans are to install card readers for some additional doors, upgrades of the district's network infrastructure and installation of an up-to-date intercom system.

At the high school, on Business 50 West, work is in progress on construction of a 5,500 square foot multi-purpose addition for a visitors' locker room, storage and additional classroom space for the physical education program to the weight room, with a 5,000 square foot addition to the agriculture building to begin soon. Other improvements in the works are paving the parking lot on the south side of the building and air conditioning units to be added to the gym to more adequately meet the needs of the space.

At the Middle school, on Owen Street, the improvements are renovation of the boys and girls locker rooms. At the Elementary school, improvements being done are renovation of two sets of restrooms, installation of an intercom system and construction of a covered shelter at the bus drop off / pickup area.

Construction of the synthetic turf field of the new athletic stadium is under construction at this time at the high school. Lights and bleachers will be built after the field is completed. The finished product will include a press box, concession/ restroom building and entrance/ ticket booth.

The Performance Contract part of the facility improvement plan is for work which is expected to pay for itself through savings in 15 years with energy and operations/ maintenance cost savings. Those improvements include building automation systems, lighting upgrades and motion sensors. In addition, single pane windows will be replaced at the middle school and the HVAC systems will be upgraded at both the elementary and middle schools.

Working around the construction and upgrades going on around the campus, the school maintenance team is painting, waxing, cleaning and doing the routine work necessary to have the school ready for students and staff for the 2014-15 school year.