Mid-Term General Election is Tuesday, November 4 - don't forget to vote

Next Tuesday, Nov. 4, is the date of the Mid-Term General Election. When voting, remember to fill in the arrow for the appropriate candidate or issue. If the arrow is not filled in, the vote will not count.

There are no local contested races. On the ballot for Circuit Clerk and Recorder of Deeds is Michele A. Higgins, Republican; Prosecuting Attorney, Shayne W. Healea, Republican; Collector of Revenue, Cheryl K. Duvall, Democrat; Treasurer, Sarah B. Jones, Republican; County Clerk, Roberta Elliott; Associate Circuit Judge Peggy D. Richardson; Presiding County Commissioner Kenneth E. Kunze.

Other uncontested races are: State Representative 50th District, Caleb Jones, Republican; State Representative 58th District, David Wood, Republican.

Candidates for State Auditor are: Tom Schweich, Republican; Sean O'Toole, Libertarian; and Rodney Farthing, Constitution Party. Candidates for United States Representative in Congressional 4th District are: Nate Irvin, Democrat; Vicky Hartzler, Republican; Herschel L. Young, Libertarian. For State Senator 6th District are: Mollie Kristen Freebairn, Democrat; and Mike Keho, Republican.

The voters are to determine if several judges are to be retained in office: Judge Laura Denvir Stith, Missouri Supreme Court; Judge Paul Campbell Wilson, Missouri Supreme Court; Judge Lisa White Hardwick, Western District Court of Appeals; and Judge Anthony Rex Gabbert, Western District Court of Appeals.

There are four proposed Constitutional Amendments on the ballot. It is recommended that voters read these proposed amendments before going into the polling place to cast a vote.

On the Jamestown ballot is a proposed tax levy increase, titled Proposition Jamestown C-1 Kids, which is reported on elsewhere in this issue of the California Democrat.