SWCD 2014 Educator of the Year - Adam Bieri

Adam Bieri, the 2014 Educator of the Year, has been teaching Agricultural education for 13 years, having taught both at Russellville and California schools.

Most of his classes are either mechanical of livestock based. He has a turf grass class which includes plant science. According to Lee Longan, who nominated him for the honor, Bieri is "extremely knowledgeable about shop projects and has students always building quality projects. He often has students tear apart lawn mowers and have them use science and physics to make them operate better."

Because of his knowledge of turf grass, he is called on to assist in maintaining the school grounds. The students bring in their own soil samples to evaluate the texture.

"Students definitely get hands-on learning in Adam's class and he incorporates a lot of math and science knowledge to his teaching techniques," Longan said.

In teaching genetics, his use of visual aids helps the students to understand the lesson better than just reading it out of textbook.

Longan added, " Adam is an excellent teacher and truly cares about the success of his students."