Rep. Hartzler staff holds Listening Post

Steve Walsh visited California Tuesday, June 23, to conduct a listening post for Rep. Vicky Hartzler. The listening post was held at Califronia City Hall. The purpose of the listening posts is for the area voters to express their opinions for their elected representative to consider. Walsh commented that considering everything in the news, he was surprised that only a few were present to discuss the events, especially since several more had said they would be there.

One current event topic discussed was the recent "Sit-in" at the U.S. House of Representatives. Walsh said, since the bill the group was supposedly supporting had already been defeated in the U.S. Senate, the sit-in, catered with pizza, was merely a publicity stunt.

About shooting, Ken Knipker said, "Anything proposed by the politicians would not solve anything." He added that since "gun-free zones" are where the shootings occur, ending those gun free zones would have a definite effect.

Also mentioned was a recent report, from an investigative TV program, that Tri-Care Health Insurance, for military and military retirees, has been bilked out of millions of dollars. The way it is allegedly being done is to bring in patients with promise of a free gift card. Tri-Care is then charged for performing unnecessary or bogus medical testing. Upon hearing this, Walsh made a phone call and was told that it is being looked into.

Walsh said he would pass the concerns of the voters onto Rep. Hartzler.