Floodprone Areas in Moniteau and Cooper County

The levee in Wooldridge.
The levee in Wooldridge.

As the Missouri River passes flood stage, residents of the Lupus and Sandy Hook areas in Moniteau County, and Wooldridge just over the line in Cooper County, wait to find out just how high the water may rise.


Hyland, Livia and Jaime Herring visit the Clinton Presidential Library for the Booseum Bash.

The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) prepared ahead of time by laying signs and barriers alongside Highway 179 in the Sandy Hook area. When the water goes over the roadway, the signs are placed and the barriers put up. As far as can be determined, only three residences in the Sandy Hook are still occupied. The remainder did not return after the Flood of '93.


Talyah and Isaiah Acker

Dwight Lusk, whose home is on a hill across the highway from the river, reported only the minor inconveniences of moving a few pieces of equipment to higher ground and having to go in and out through the back of his property to a different road.

For more of this story check out the July 6 issue of the California Democrat.