Courthouse roof replacement well underway

Commissioners also hope to add new jury room, among other projects

Democrat photo/Garrett Fuller — Tony Karch, of Imhoff Construction, rolls a fresh coat of white paint onto the portico roof Friday on the Moniteau County Courthouse. Imhoff Construction, of Jamestown, is a painting subcontractor for GBH Builders, a Jefferson City general contractor that has been replacing the 1868 facility's roof as the first of many renovation projects to improve the courthouse using American Rescue Plan Act funds.
Democrat photo/Garrett Fuller — Tony Karch, of Imhoff Construction, rolls a fresh coat of white paint onto the portico roof Friday on the Moniteau County Courthouse. Imhoff Construction, of Jamestown, is a painting subcontractor for GBH Builders, a Jefferson City general contractor that has been replacing the 1868 facility's roof as the first of many renovation projects to improve the courthouse using American Rescue Plan Act funds.

Moniteau County commissioners are capitalizing on "once in a lifetime" funding.

The commissioners are using $1 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to renovate the Moniteau County Courthouse.