Russellville celebrates Homecoming before attempt to ‘Cage the Panthers’

Courtesy/Devona Maharas — Russellville High School's 2023 Homecoming queen candidates pictured, from left, are Shelby Morrow, Mackenzie Linnenbrink, Brettlynn Strother, Audrey Klatt and Erin Schroer.
Courtesy/Devona Maharas — Russellville High School's 2023 Homecoming queen candidates pictured, from left, are Shelby Morrow, Mackenzie Linnenbrink, Brettlynn Strother, Audrey Klatt and Erin Schroer.

Democrat photo/Evan Holmes

Erin Schroer, left, and Cayden Cook were named Russellville High School's 2023 Homecoming king and queen during a halftime coronation ceremony at the Indians' game against the Polo Panthers.