Jamestown Senior Class Holds Baccalaureate at St. Paul's Evangelical Church

The Jamestown Graduating Class of 2012 held its Baccalaureate Service at St. Paul's Evangelical Church, Jamestown. The service started with a processional followed by the opening prayer given by Rev. Brian Bish, pastor of St. Paul's Evangelical Church. Class Sponsor E.H. Hirschvogel gave the welcome before the hymn "Be Thou My Vision" was led by Jamestown School Music Director Brenda Scheperle. Dr. Peter Kurowski, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, California, gave the message titled "If."

Bish led a time of silent reflection and prayer before the Hymn "Pass It On" was sung. Bish also gave the benediction before the recessional.


Spencer Watson

For more of this story check out the May 16 issue of the California Democrat.